Bizzmine does what it says it does at Groupe Lactalis

Complaint Management Food

Leerdammer cheese is well known all over the globe and is produced in the factories of Royal Bel Leerdammer B.V. in the Netherlands. The cheese producer is part of Groupe Lactalis, the world's largest dairy company.

 Bizzmine does what it says it does.

The Bizzmine workflow platform has been implemented for the automation of various business processes. The processes for customer requests, material creation, new investment, disinvestment, and invoice validation are completely streamlined in Bizzmine. Quality complaints are also managed and followed up in Bizzmine.

We are satisfied with the user experience of Bizzmine. The layout makes it easy for every user to work with and the system is simple to understand. The platform is very flexible and adapts to the type of process, from simple to complex. The multilingual character of Bizzmine and the support in Dutch are useful advantages.

More key features, especially for the use of forms, are welcome for Groupe Lactalis. Bizzmine tastes like more!


Said Azaaj, Master Data Expert
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