Work equipment that has been rejected or is not inspected at the required interval may not be used for any work activities. It is therefore important that all employees, including temporary staff, are informed of these requirements.
Methods to use
What method do you now use to ensure that employees know which work equipment has been approved or rejected?
Inspection stickers or tie wraps are often used. In the case of tie wraps, one single colour is used each year. For example, the colour purple is used to indicate all the equipment approved in the year 2020. The following year a different colour is chosen. To avoid confusion, it is best to use the same colour coding throughout the entire company. Using the colour red is not recommended, as this colour is often linked to rejected material. For work equipment subject to quarterly inspection, it is best to make logical colour choices.
A handy tip is to link the use of colour codes to the seasons: The colour white for winter, green for spring, yellow for summer and brown for autumn.